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Lactation Support

In-Home and Virtual Consultations


We provide in-home and virtual lactation support. During these visits, you will receive non-judgmental breastfeeding or alternative feeding guidance. An international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) will work privately with you to help you reach your breastfeeding and newborn feeding goals. When needed, we will be in contact with your primary care provider/pediatrician to streamline your care. This includes phone and email guidance for two weeks after your session to ensure you have the support you need. All services are customized based on individual needs.

  •  Positioning and latch support

  • Building milk supply

  • Pumping guidance

  • Bottle feeding guidance

  • Overproduction and fast let-down challenges

  • Latch guidance

  • Pre and post feeding weight

  • Re-lactation

  • Alternative feeding methods

  • Preparing for a medical procedure while breastfeeding

  • Returning to work preparation

  • Milk Sharing guidance

  • Newborn feeding support for non-binary couples

  • Feeding support through adoption, surrogacy and other special circumstances 

  • Navigating breast pain, clogged ducts and recurrent mastitis

  • Oral assessment and post tongue/lip tie guidance

  • Baby and toddler wearing


  • $260 Investment

  • $720 Investment

  • $155 Investment

  • $415 Investment

  • $415 Investment


I require payment at time of service and will provide a SuperBill upon request, to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. If you need a script on how to talk to your insurance company about lactation coverage and reimbursement, click HERE!

If you have PPO insurance (as indicated on your insurance card), you may be able to get lactation visits covered through The Lactation Network (including a prenatal visit). An easy way to find out is by clicking the box below.

The Lactation Network accepts most Blue Cross PPO, Blue Shield PPO, Anthem PPO, Cigna PPO, and Humana PPO plans as well as most plans that utilize MultiPlan and PNOA. Please note that PNOA and MultiPlan logos will appear alongside other payers on the medical insurance card (example, Aetna or UHC). If the card includes the PNOA or MultiPlan logos, we may be able to take them.