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Third and Fourth Trimester Wellness Packages

A healing and nurturing offering for expecting Mothers in the Third Trimester and new Mothers in the Fourth Trimester


Our goal is to make sure you, the mother, is seen, heard, nourished and supported in the early postpartum time. When the mother is thriving, the entire family thrives.

Earth Milk Moon is not emergent support, we are EMERGENCE support and we are here to slow you down to earth pace and guide you through your emergence as a mother and as your family constellation changes. We want to help hold you as still as possible so you can rest and feel all the magic and healing that arise during this sacred time.

Below you can find information on everything included in our Postpartum Support Packages.



Each session is 4-5 hours.

Visits include:

  • Lactation and infant feeding support.

  • Preparing postpartum healing modalities such as herbal sitz bath, pelvic steam set up and comfortable resting positions that assist with healing. We will provide herbs and a steaming stool if you prefer.

  • Prepare snacks, nourishing teas and healing postpartum food.

  • Guidance and assistance with newborn care such as diapering, bathing, feeding assistance, soothing, burping and baby wearing.

  • Holding gentle space for listening and processing of any stories that are coming through the postpartum body.

  • Baby wearing so parents can rest, shower or have a moment together.

  • Light house tidying, laundry and dishes.

  • Helping you adjust and acclimate to your new role as a mother and hold space for all the things that arise in the postpartum time.

  • Care coordination and connecting you to other local resources (example: postpartum body work, chiro, acupuncture, pelvic floor PT.).

  • Running Local errands on my way to or from your home.

  • Helping with other children if needed.

  • Simple indoor plant and animal care.

  • If needed, we can help make appointments for you and baby so you don't have to spend time on hold.



The food you eat in the early postpartum time is really important to your long-term health and healing.

In the Ayurvedic tradition of medicine in India, it is said that the first forty days after birth can dictate your health the next 40 years of your life. They believe that after birth, is an opportunity to improve your health or for health to deteriorate it depending on the rest, nourishment, and support you received first forty days postpartum.

We have knowledge that there are postpartum essentials in order to fully heal. These are prolonged rest, warm, nutrient dense, easy to digest food that is specific for postpartum healing, loving touch and support.

This package includes postpartum cooking that is specific to post-birth healing and lactation. You will receive a list of ingredients to have available or we will go shopping for you before each session.



Lactation Support

  • Our entire team is qualified to assist with basic lactation needs and will provide that support each visit as needed.

  • You will receive messaging support the whole time we are working together from an RN and lactation consultant if you have further questions or concerns.

  • In-person Lactation Support with an IBCLC is available and can be booked through the Jane scheduling app. that you will have access to.

Messaging support starting after birth

  • It’s nice to have a nurse to contact as you are learning the ins and outs of taking care of a baby, breastfeeding and while you are healing from birth. We are here for you!

Our main purpose as a part of your village is to help keep you in your center and gently guide you back to your intuition when the noise of the world gets too loud. You are the wise heart of your family and when you can navigate from that place, family generational healing occurs. You are magic!



Third Trimester Sessions are dedicated to providing you with the care, guidance, and assistance you need during the delicate third trimester. We understand that this phase of pregnancy requires nesting, and preparing for baby, and we're here to help you feel centered and thrive during this time.

This visit may include postpartum cooking, as the nutritional needs are similar to early postpartum, to eat or freeze. Helping around the house, nest preparation, errands or other agreed upon or needed tasks that arise for your family.

Third Trimester Sessions start at $350.

Fourth Trimester Sessions start at $450.

We have payment plans available to meet your family’s needs.
The number of sessions can be curated to be as unique as your family.

Some of the families we have supported have used the following ways to invest in postpartum support with Earth Milk Moon:

  • Prenatal payment plans to begin building account credit

  • Earth Milk Moon gift certificates listed on baby registry

    We are flexible and open to discussing payment plans to fit your family’s needs.

We would love to jump on a call with you to learn more about you, see what your vision is for your postpartum experience, and tell you more about what we do, and receive package pricing details.


“Earth Milk Moon Postpartum Wellness Support was the best investment I made in my first motherhood journey. They nourished me in ways I didn’t know I needed — through nourishing meals, healing hands, open hearts, and meaningful connection — so I could take care of my newborn in alignment with my womb wisdom. They held non-judgmental space for my spouse, baby, and me to bond and work through issues together in a healthy way. And they continue to be a source of love and laughter!”

- Laurel